Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Benefits Of Helping Your Child Learn To Write Well

The process of helping a child learn to write well has many benefits and advantages as compared to not not starting them early in their development age.

Benefits include:

Practical. Most of us make lists, jot down reminders, and write notes and instructions at least occasionally.

Job-Related. Professional and white-collar workers write frequently--preparing memos, letters, briefing papers, sales reports, articles, research reports, proposals, and the like. Most workers do "some" writing on the job.

Stimulating. Writing helps to provoke thoughts and to organize them logically and concisely.

Social. Most of us write thank-you notes and letters to friends at least now and then.

Therapeutic. It can be helpful to express feelings in writing that cannot be expressed so easily by speaking.

Helping the child to learn to write also allows the child to learn other skills like:

  • CLEAR THINKING. Sometimes the child needs to have his/her memory refreshed about a past event in order to write about it.

  • SUFFICIENT TIME. Children may have `stories in their heads' but need time to think them through and write them down. School class periods are often not long enough.

  • READING. Reading can stimulate a child to write about his/her own family or school life. If your child reads good books, (s)he will be a better writer.

  • A MEANINGFUL TASK. A child needs meaningful, not artificial writing tasks. You'll find suggestions for such tasks in the section, "Things To Do."

  • INTEREST. All the time in the world won't help if there is nothing to write, nothing to say. Some of the reasons for writing include: sending messages, keeping records, expressing feelings, or relaying information.

  • PRACTICE. And more practice.

  • REVISING. Students need experience in revising their work-- i.e, seeing what they can do to make it clearer, more descriptive, more concise, etc.
Source: Kidsource

So our mission and role in child development is very important.
Well done. Press on.

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